»The HMSWeb

The HMSWeb


  • Engineering expertise built into the platform, library with 300+ different types of testing check-sheets / protocols;
  • Guarantee of consistency, integrity and updating of information in "real time", available to all team members involved in the Project; From the field to the office;
  • Maximization of the management / planning capability, with consequent reduction of the rework, delays and the over cost of the Project;
  • Applicable from large and complex Projects, to small operational improvement Projects in existing units;
  • Proven productivity gains in the most varied industrial markets: O&G, Energy, Agribusiness, Biofuels, Mining, Naval, Infrastructure, Petrochemical etc
  • Ease of configuration, no programming required;
  • Dissemination and adherence to the methodology, standardization of procedures;
  • Contribution to operability - Traceability of information throughout the useful life of the asset.

"Direct value losses due to under-management of risks for today's pipeline of large-scale projects may exceed $1.5 trillion in the next five years, not to mention the loss in GDP growth, ..." - McKinsey Company; By Frank Beckers and Uwe Stegemann