»The HMSWeb

The HMSWeb


Although extremely relevant to the smooth start-up of the industrial unit, mechanical completion and commissioning represents only a few stages of its life cycle, squeezed between the construction & assembly and the start-up of the commercial operation of the new unit.

In this way, they must connect to receive and send information from the previous stages of engineering, construction and assembly, as well as to send information for subsequent steps, from commercial operation and maintenance, to decommissioning at the end of the unit's life.

In this context, HMSWeb has native integrations with the other software involved in the C&A and O&M cycles of an industrial unit, such as SAP PM (maintenance), AVEVA.NET (engineering, 3D / 4D models), among others.

In addition to the native interfaces, HMSWeb has data import and export capabilities through neutral files, webservices or XML, which allows the exchange of information with all engineering systems involved in the project.

HMSWeb therefore integrates with the Asset Licecycle Management (ALM) concept, considering the phases of mechanical completion and commissioning as a further stage of the asset construction life cycle, necessarily integrated with the previous processes (FEED, Construction and Assembly) and (Operation and Maintenance), to decommissioning.