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HMSWeb © takes on new "flights"

Rio de Janeiro, October 30, 2018 - Company wins the first contract in the airport infrastructure area It is not new that HMSWeb Information Technology is always prospecting and winning over new spaces in the market, as well as continually proving the flexibility and effectiveness of our solution. Specifically in the infrastructure area, where we have an extensive curriculum in port and railroad projects, the company is now taking on new ‘flights’: the Handover Management System (HMSWeb©) software was chosen by TSA for the commissioning management of the project of revitalization and expansion of the Salgado Filho International Airport, in Porto Alegre (RS), the 9th largest in Brazil.

The contract strengthens the partnership with TSA Engenharia, which started in 2015 with the expansion project of the Port Integrator Terminal Luiz Antônio Mesquita (TIPLAM), with Vale Fertilizantes, in Santos (SP), and deployed in two other projects with TSA as a direct client: Repumping of Residues in the Trombetas Terminal (PA), for the mining company MRN Mineração, and the Ferro Viga +4 project, of Ferrous Resources, in Congonhas (MG). “This partnership was definitely established with the incorporation of HMSWeb as TSA’s commissioning management platform for its clients,” said Luciano Gaete, CEO of HMSWeb.

The contract schedules the software licensing until the end of 2019. “The entire service will be performed by the client, an experienced user of our technology. Therefore, the main challenge is to ensure total compliance of the platform with the specific requirements of an airport project, which we are doing successfully”, concludes.